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Consumer Duty




Consumer Duty, what does it all mean?


Consumer Duty is a directive from the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) which guides us to improve standards of consumer protection, this policy is for ALL financial service businesses, compelling them to put their customers first. This covers all regulated products, which in our case is Pawnbroking.


Cash Inn Ltd’s reaction


You our clients are at the centre of what we do, we pride ourselves on our personal service as we have done since 1997. We strive to ensure every individual understands the products we sell and that they are suitable for client’s circumstances and needs. In addition, we continually appraise our processes and policies, as well as regular on-going training and reviews for all managers over all stores.


Need assistance?


Whilst we can’t be open 24 hours every day, we do have a dedicated e-mail message link below, this will go directly to the general manager who will act promptly this will be prioritized and in most circumstances replied to within hours.


Committed to our clients


With decades of experience, we know that life is not always straight forward, and people’s situation can change. Cash Inn’s dedicated managers will work with all our customers throughout the entirety of their pawnbroking agreements, to ensure the product remains suitable, based on their individual circumstances and needs. It’s about getting ‘positive outcomes’

More information on Consumer Duty


Ben Smith, Managing Director, 2024



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